How to Apply Aadhaar Card for New Born Child | Step by Step Procedure | Baal Aadhaar Card Download

 How to Apply Aadhaar Card for New Born Child

What is Adhaar:
The Aadhaar card is a vital identification document in India and is issued to children as well. This unique initiative by the Indian Government aims to provide children with a secure and universally recognised identity from an early age.

Why to Choose Adhaar:

 The Aadhaar card for a child will be issued free of cost. The difference here will be that:

  • There will be no biometric data captured in case of children below 5 years of age
  • A child's Unique Identification (UID) will be issued by taking into reference the demographic data and photos that are linked to the UID of the parents
  • However, it will be required for the child upon turning 5 years and 15 years to update his/her demographic data -biometrics of ten fingers, facial photo, and iris scan
  • If parents are applying for an Aadhaar card for their child who is below 5 years, it is required to furnish the details of the parent or guardian in the enrolment form.

Parents of children can use the mAadhaar app to carry their child's Aadhaar card on their smartphone by registering their mobile number with the child's Aadhaar card. Up to five Aadhaar cards can be added using this app. The mAadhaar app allows users to manage both their own and their children's Aadhaar cards. This service is available to parents of children under the age of five years, as well as those aged between five to 15 years.

Guidelines for Children’s Aadhaar Card (Below 5 Years of Age)

The following points must be noted for the Baal Aadhar card for children under the age of five years:

  1. All children under five years, including newborns, are eligible for an Aadhaar card.
  1. Aadhaar cards for children under five years of age are blue colored and are known as Baal Aadhaar cards.
  1. In such cases, the biometrics of the child will not be taken. For recognition purposes, only the photograph of the child will be taken.
  1. For the Baal Aadhaar card application, it is mandatory to submit the Aadhaar card of either parent. Parents who do not have an Aadhaar card must first finish the Aadhaar enrollment process.
  1. Children can give biometric data for all ten fingers as well as an iris scan once they attain the age of five years.
  1. When the child turns 15 years, the process must be done again.
  1. There is no charge for any of the above services.

How to Apply for Baal Aadhaar Card

The steps to apply for Baal Aadhaar card is as follows:

Step 1 - Visit your nearest Aadhaar Enrolment Centre. You can also locate one online.

Step 2 - Fill out the Aadhaar Enrolment Form, including your Aadhaar number.

Step 3 - For enrolling children under the age of five years, any one of the parents must give their Aadhaar card information.

Step 4 - The concerned officials will take a photograph of your child.

Step 5 - Fill in the address and other demographic information.

Step 6 - Submit a copy of your child's birth certificate or discharge certificate from the hospital.

Step 7 - You will receive an acknowledgement slip consisting the enrolment number. You can check the status of the Aadhaar card with this enrolment number.

Note: For children under the age of five years, Fingerprints and iris scans will not be taken. The Aadhaar card will be issued within 90 days.

Documents Required for Baal Aadhaar Card

The below listed documents are required to apply for Baal Aadhaar card:

  1. Aadhaar card of either of the parent.
  2. Original birth certificate/hospital discharge certificate of the child

Note: Please keep in mind that original copies of both documents are required for verification.

Children’s Aadhaar Card Fee Structure

The fees and charges associated with Aadhaar card for children are listed in the table below:



Aadhaar enrolment


Colour printout on A4 sheet and download of e-Aadhaar


Demographic data update


Biometric update

NIL (for children aged five years to 15 years)Rs.100 (for other applicants)

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How to Apply Aadhaar Card for New Born Child | Step by Step Procedure | Baal Aadhaar Card Download How to Apply Aadhaar Card for New Born Child | Step by Step Procedure | Baal Aadhaar Card Download Reviewed by eGovernance Helpdesk on February 16, 2025 Rating: 5

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